Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Take off Eh?

I got a call this morning asking if I could go out to Camp Morice to be the caretaker for a few days, so I packed my stuff and left 30 minutes later. You see, last week Jackie Deutch from Camp Morice had a heart attack....she lived through it and went to Vancouver for surgery (I'm told she had sugery today and is recovering now). Mike and Cathy Labonte came out to camp to take care of things while Richard and Jackie are in Vancouver, but last night Cathy got a call saying that her mother had passed away. Hense, I come rushing out to camp so that she and Mike can leave for Regina tomorrow. I'd like to ask that you please pray for Jackie that she has a safe and healthy recovery, and also pray for Cathy and her family.

I spent the day working on the Italia slideshow which is rendering as we speak. I hope to work on Germany, Czech, Ireland, and Scotland tomorrow if I can.

Anyways, I'm off to do some camp chores.


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