Anyways, take a look at some of these pictures....I think their pretty cool.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Finally...Some Pictures
Anyways, take a look at some of these pictures....I think their pretty cool.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Italy has begun!
Anyways, we’re just driving back down that ridiculous hill and I’m getting a bit car sick, so I better stop for now. I’ll take a look and see what I should post for pictures.
I have some pictures...but the computer I'm on is free and does not allow me to attach my jumpdrive, so I'll have to post the pics later...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Filthy McNasty's
Ok, so I’m going to start off telling you about our last day with Roberta and Brian. We left the bed and breakfast and headed downtown to meet Claire at the
I have been taking lots of pictures though. I got a message from my laptop the other day to say that I was running out of disk space….who knew pictures would take up so much space. But, I managed to find a bunch of things that I could delete in order to free up some space.
Anyways, after the
After that we went to one of the streets that only pedestrians can go on and walked a long ways down to try and find a good place to eat. On the way, we came across some very interesting pub names. Take a look below to see a collage of some of the pictures.

My favourite was “Filthy McNasty’s” but everyone else wanted to eat at the “Bad Ass” pub. At the pub I decided to eat like a Scotsman and try some:
The haggis was actually quite good….I would definitely eat it again.
After lunch we departed company with Claire since she had a train to catch back to her house, but it was really great to see her again and see how she’s enjoying her life here in
The rest of the day was rather uneventful other than the fact that we ate, drank, and had a good time downtown before heading back to the bed and breakfast to watch an episode of Lost before going to bed. It was a pretty productive day I think.
Oh, ya…and I have a video from when we were in
Friday, September 15, 2006
The next leg in the journey
Ok, I’m writing the rest of this from our bed and breakfast in Edinburgh.
I’ve got a few pictures from Ireland when we went to some old ruins and the Guinness Brewery and then a couple pictures from our trip to the Queen’s Palace and the Edinburgh Castle. One thing that I noticed about things here is that most things cost about the same number as it would in Canada except it’s in pounds instead of dollars….so really, everything costs about twice as much. But, I guess it doesn’t really mater that much…I’m here to have a good time.
We’re heading out in about 20 minutes to head downtown to meet up with my friend Claire who lives here in Edinburgh and is a nurse. I haven’t really seen her since highschool, so it will be great to chat with her and catch up on old times.
Anyways, the four of us bought a pass yesterday that lets us into the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh Castle, and the Royal Yacht. It also came with a 2 day bus pass to ride the tour busses at any time during the day…we’re allowed to get on and off wherever there is a normal bus stop. It cost 34 pounds, but we already made up for the cost yesterday from the Palace, Castle and bus rides, so the visit to the Yacht is pretty much free.
Anyways, we need to go soon, so I better finish up. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Anyways, after we went to the internet café we went to a Chinese Garden and Stud Farm…I know it’s a weird combination but there you go. The garden was very nice and I’ve got a few pictures below from when we were there. The first one is just a picture of me that I thought was cool, the second is a picture of me running to try and get into the picture after hitting the timer on the camera, and the third is a picture of all of us in a rock igloo kinda thing…you can see a woman who walked into the picture and then realized we were taking a picture on a timer and quickly jumped back out of the picture.
After the gardens we went and got a Starbucks coffee and headed to the airport to pick up Brian….his plane arrived on time and we didn’t thanks to a bit of a traffic jam…but we picked him up and headed back to Naas (where Jenn lives) so that Brian could have a shower and we could make some supper. After we got the roast in the oven we took off to a traditional Catholic Irish mass (which was only 30 min long) and then came back to have some supper (and some Guinness for me).
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Adventures in Ireland
Anyways, today was a super long driving day, but I think it was a productive day none the less. We drove from the east coast to the west coast to try and catch a ferry to Aran Island, but it took longer than we thought to get to the ferries so we missed the ferry. But, all was not lost…there was a road nearby that follows the coast line south and brings you to the Cliffs of Moher (see pictures below). These cliffs were amazing! I was really impressed….they’re the kind of cliffs that you would see on a postcard or in a movie like Lord of the Rings. We also got to see a lot of the Irish countryside which is littered with small farms, sheep, cows, and pastures separated by fences made from stones. It was really cool to see.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Czech it out
Here’s a link to the boat tour.
After the caves, we went to Maggie’s grandma’s house in the countryside for a traditional Czech meal. It was really great. The house she lived in was over 100 years old (she’s 80 and is still living on her own). Later that night we met with some of Maggie’s friends at a pub and had some drinks. They were pretty nice guys and both were good at English…Michal was a bit more talkative though. We slept in a bit the next day and then went to downtown Brno to see a few cool things that Maggie wanted to show us. A lot of the downtown monuments were under repair, so we didn’t get to see them as they should be. But, then we went shopping and Tony (in his usual fashion) bought 2 pairs of shoes within the first hour. The first pair are a sweet pair of leather yellow/black Dockers that I wouldn’t mind wearing, and the second pair is a pretty amazing pair of blue and white Adidas volleyball shoes that make you feel like you’re a star player. I bought a really nice blue Lowe Alpine jacket that has a lifetime warrantee on the zippers and integrity of the fabric. I paid the equivalent of $70 for the jacket and I’m pretty sure it would have cost me about $130 in Canada at Coast Mountain. We went to lunch at Maggie’s aunt’s fitness center/restaurant and got to play some squash after lunch as well, so Tony got a chance to try out his new court shoes. Maggie’s aunt thought we were pretty good for beginners. After lunch we went shopping again in a big mall that was downtown, but Tony and I didn’t really find anything really exciting there.
We had a really great supper at Maggie’s house that night and got to meet her notorious brother who really does talk more than she does. He has also studied English and was very articulate. He told us that if we come back he’d love to arrange a hike in to see some other caves that his friend knows about….I thought that would be really cool because it would be more remote and less of a “tourist trap.”
Today we went to Prague for the day before we caught a flight to Dublin. It’s a very beautiful city with lots to see downtown. There are tons of historical attractions and several places to see some breathtaking views of the city. I was pretty happy with what we accomplished for the day…we probably walked about 10 km’s during the day. Below are some pictures.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
And away we go
OK, let me catch you up to speed for what’s happened over the last couple days. Yesterday, we went to a mass in Wiesenfelt (Julie’s dad’s hometown) that was at the tennis/beach volleyball tournament. The tournament is called the CAN-Cup and it’s in memory of three young ladies who were from Wiesenfelt who died in a car crash on their way to the disco in
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The disco and some pictures
Here's a link to the video:
Next, I have some pictures from the last couple days.
#1 Me standing next to a maple tree that was planted in Pflochsbach last year when I was here with 20 other Canadians for World Youth Day.
#2 Julie's dad pouring me a beer for a BBQ we were having that afternoon. Pretty good stuff.
#3 We went for a drive to a castle in Julie's parents convertable (it's an Opel). She was pretty sure she'd be cold, so she wore here winter jacket. I'm wearing my new North Face jacket that I bought in Nunberg.
#4 A great picture of the Castle in Mespelbrun. You could pretty much take this picture and use it as a postcard. It actually looks exactly like the postcard that I bought.
#5 This is a great shot of Julie's dad and his tennis partner during a game. I'm pretty happy with my camera...
Friday, September 01, 2006
Our first full day
I’ve finally got some time to write on my blog now. It’s Thursday night and we just got back from a day in Nunburg. It’s about 1.5 hours away from where we’re staying right now in Pflochsbach. On the way to Nunberg, we stopped at the Puma factory outlet to take a look around. Anthony (in his usual shopping fashion) spent 157 euro’s in about 30 minutes, but he got a nice pair of shoes, jogging pants, sox, t-shirt, and some sweat bands. I found myself buying a nice pair of hiking pants because I managed to convince myself that the one’s I have at home are ripped and don’t count. Their nice pants though. After that we continued on to Nunberg and found a parking garage downtown in a very central place. There are lots of old buildings and churches in Nunberg that we got a chance to take a look at, but most of them are replicas of the originals from before World War II. As much as 90% of Nunberg was destroyed in the war. Oh, I almost forgot….Of course, there are many nice things to see in Nunberg and it would be a good idea to bring a camera to take some pictures….but I, however, did not. Somehow I left the camera on the coffee table back in Pflochsbach. We ended up buying a disposable so we could at least take a few pictures during the day and have to deal with developed pictures instead of digital (a hard thing for me to do). Needless to say, I won’t be going anywhere without my camera and wallet from now on.
For lunch we went to an authentic Bratwurst restaurant to have some Bratwurst and Sauerkraut. It was pretty good….I really enjoyed it. We also had some Weisser beer which is a typical kind of beer to have when eating Bratwurst. Nunberg is known around
In the afternoon we went walking around the town to do some sight seeing and some shopping. We first went to a castle that overlooks the city…it was pretty cool and I hope the pictures turn out from our 5 euro camera. Later on when we were back in the town we went shopping in a store that was celebrating 125 years of being open. I found a really great hiking jacket for only 50 euro….in
After that we went to the fair that was in town and Tony went on a few rides. The first ride was a long bench that is lifted in the air and swung forward, backward, and upside down. Just watching Tony, Julie, and Christina (Julie’s friend) on it was making my stomach uneasy. When they got off, they looked pretty white in the face. The second ride Tony went on was one of those freefall rides where they bring you up really high and then let you fall to the ground and stop you before you crash except this one flew you up in the air extremely fast first and then let you freefall. It looked pretty crazy to me!
Then we went to supper at a Greek restaurant. Tony and I both had Calamari, but I couldn’t finish mine….my appetite is not so big right now….it takes a little while to get my stomach over the Jet Lag. Anyways, it was a good meal and we had a good visit with Julie, Julie’s mom Simone, Julie’s boyfriend Michael, Christina, and Christina’s parents.
PS: My plan for skipping Jet Lag worked very well...I was a bit tired in the afternoon but still felt great.