First, the blog I've been reading is Strobist.
The wireless gear you need to get your flash to fire at the exact right moment is very diverse. But basically there are three main options out there for wireless:
- Cheap wireless triggers from Ebay: cheap=unreliable and short distance.
- Expensive wireless triggers from Pocket Wizard: hardcore, rugged, bulletproof, and very expensive.
- Somewhat expensive RadioPoppers: a bit cumbersome to attach to your camera and flash, able to transmit camera information to the flash (ie how powerful the flash should be for the picture).
So, as you would expect, I ordered the cheap Ebay triggers and have had them for a while. Since I'm not making any money with photography, that's pretty much what I'm stuck with for now.
But I also wanted to have multiple light sources in my pictures to add some cool effects and fill in shadows from multiple angles. So I purchased a couple more used flashes on Ebay for $75 and $129. Cheap considering what a full price flash costs.
After a while of reading Strobist, a link comes up on his site for a seminar DVD that he has produced: 8 DVD's of footage with 4 of them being the seminar and 3 of them being example location shoots for different situations. Very cool. The first DVD, however, was a separate shooting where he explains all the gear he uses. The lighting gear isn't very expensive piece by piece, except when you add it all together. $25 here, $30 there....and you're up to $400 pretty quick. That's an extra car payment for me.
Anyways, I don't really have anyone to be accountable to for spending my money, so I ordered the stuff cause it's cool and it will be fun.
I haven't been able to spend much time using it all over the past week or so, but Tyler and I played around and got a few fun shots:

We should have fixed Baileys fur before all those shots .... and I really need to shave.
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