We'll I've invested in a new camera. It's been a long time coming...I've wanted a camera like this for more than a couple years. Basically, once Peter got his, I thought it was the best thing ever. Finally, now, I've saved enough to buy it. It's a Canon EOS digital Rebel XT and it came with two lenses: an 18mm-55mm wide angle lens, and a 55mm-200mm zoom lens. I've already taken a bunch of pictures with it and I foresee uploading them to my Picasa account soon. I'll keep you posted.
Now all I need is some free time to use it. I'm sure it will be put to good use at the DYC next weekend.
Anyways, that's just a quick update....I'm actually supposed to be somewhere right now so I better go.
Congrats to Jane for
not having to pay $5000 (US) in taxes.....that's a blessing.
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