We've been in Victoria for Friday and Saturday. We'll probably take the early ferry back to Vancouver on Sunday. But, yesterday when we arrived, I managed to find my way to Danny's house from the ferry terminal....not bad considering I've only driven in Victoria once before. We sat and chatted about things for a little while. One thing that we talked about was Danny's book that he's writting on teaching religion class in highschool and teaching youth in general. He's got 8 chapters done of 11, so he's almost done. I have a feeling that he won't have a lot to time this school year, so I hope he can get the book done. I think the book will be especially useful for youth ministers, youth group leaders, teachers in Christian schools, and Christian parents. Since I've done so much in youth ministry, youth groups, and teaching I think this will be a pretty interesting book. Anyways, later that day we went for a walk around downtown Victoria through James Bay. Lots of street performers and merchants selling things. We actually sat and watched a juggling act for half an hour.....he was performing just across the street from the Empress Hotel....it was pretty good. After that, we went to the parliament building and had lunch on the front lawn. It's a pretty beautiful place. Here are some pictures:

After lunch we went shopping downtown. I actually ran into one of my friends from highschool who was working in one of the shops. It was Kathleen....I haven't seen her or talked to her for about 4 years. It was pretty great to talk to her and see how she's doing. She's actually directing a play for the Fringe Festival and the first performance was just the other day. Apparently it went pretty well and the audience really liked it. It's cool to know that she's being successful.
Anyways, we all slept in today since we were up at 5:30am yesterday. I especially needed to sleep in because I woke up with a head cold yesterday. Hopefully I can fight it off before we leave for Europe.
Well, I'm going to go get some breakfast before the morning becomes afternoon.